Dear Friends and Colleagues,

it is with great pleasure that I invite you to the South European Symposium – new applications and challenges – which will be held in Brescia on September 17, 2021. Gamma Knife radiosurgery has proved over the last 20 years a valid and acknowledged therapeutic resource for a broad spectrum of neurosurgical pathologies, both in oncology, vascular and functional domains.
Recently, progresses and refinements of oncological protocols, together with advances in functional imaging have set new challenges and broader opportunities for patients eligible for cerebral stereotactic radiosurgery.
We have had a very difficult year, engaged primarily in caring for Covid patients, Brescia was one of the epicentres of the first wave of the pandemic. Now we are back to full time care of our patients, with all our passion and competence.
It is therefore a great pleasure for us to be able to organize the opportunity to meet in person, to share and upgrade our knowledge. The proposed topics and hugely experienced speakers will undoubtedly create an environment for discussion and cultural exchange. Furthermore, the most interesting and stimulating cases will be discussed during the two round table sessions.
I like to emphasize the European context of the Symposium: the pandemic has reminded us once again that it is only through International sharing of scientific results that we can progress and overcome crises.
Our venue is the splendid Centro Pastorale Paolo VI, located in the town center. On september 16 it will be possible to visit the Gamma Knife Center at Fondazione Poliambulanza.
We look forward to seeing you!

Alberto Franzin

Per informazioni consultare il sito dell’evento

Brescia, September 17, 2021