We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the first Gray’s Neuroanatomy conference.
During this three-day event, authors of the neuroanatomy section of the Gray’s anatomy will present and discuss basic principles of brain organization and recent advances in the field of neuroanatomy and neuroscience.
Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to present a poster or an oral communication.
After the conference, authors of presentations that are considered of high interest will be invited to write a commentary for the 42nd online edition of the Gray’s anatomy 2020.
Topics for abstract submission include history of neuroscience, neuroanatomical methods, comparative neuroanatomy, neuroimaging, functional mapping, and clinical neuroanatomy.
The conference is an opportunity for the editors and authors of the Gray’s anatomy to receive a wider feedback on their chapters and for participants to contribute to the neuroanatomy section of this renowned textbook.

Siracusa (Italy), 15-17 October 2018

Per informazioni e aggiornamenti consultare la sezione “Eventi” del sito www.morecomunicazione.it